A letter from Ann Marie
Hi family and friends of First Presbyterian Church Adrian!
Grace and peace to you! While my official title is Rev. Dr. Ann Marie Montgomery, I invite you to call me Ann Marie and hope that in the coming months, as you get to know me better, you will come to experience me simply as your pastor. We are living in some crazy days right now and it feels strange to me starting at a church which is not gathering for worship. I believe this is the wise choice for you right now but still, I’ve never done it like this before! So I ask for your patience as both I and your Session find ways to navigate through this pandemic.
I think that we will be called on to re-think how we can “be” church for one another even when we are not gathering together for worship. I am taking part in an online training session the Presbytery is hosting for clergy to help us look at ways to use technology creatively in these “isolation” days. I’ll need all the help I can get and may need to call on the under 40 crowd and all those who are tech savvy to work with me in the coming weeks.
I have asked Sherrie for a directory and will be learning your names and praying for you in the coming weeks. I will be making contact with folks bit by bit each day. Again, please be patient with me as there is always a steep learning curve on the front end of starting a new pastorate and my hours are limited. I will be keeping office hours on Wednesdays from 9:00-1:00, but please don’t hesitate to be in touch by calling rather than coming in or by email if you have internet: montgomery.am@gmail.com
May you know God’s constant presence and unfailing love. May you know the care and compassion of fellow pilgrims walking the way of faith with you. May you know the gifts of peace and blessing given by the Holy Spirit, who even now is at work within us and among us in spite of this world-wide pandemic!