Worship: Sunday 10am / Office Hours M-F 9am-12n


About Adrian First Presbyterian Church

The First Presbyterian Church of Adrian, Michigan, is a Christian community of faithful servants who are responsive to God’s guidance. We are a church of everyday people striving to glorify God’s presence.

In Person Worship: Sunday 10am-11am

Prayer Group Wednesday 10:30am
Presbyterian Pals - Fall & Winter Sessions / Grades 2-5: Wednesday 3:50-4:50pm
Hand Bells Program - Thursdays, 7pm. September - May. Contact Dana Gillin for more information.

First Friday: Participation in “First Friday” held by the City of Adrian. Refreshments & Games offered to those who stop by. Volunteers are always welcome. See Cindy Frownfelder if you’re interested in helping.
Music Jam - 2nd Saturday of each month. September-May 6pm-11pm. Musicians of unplugged instruments are invited to gather and play. The public is invited to listen and sing along. Food, drinks, and dessert are served for donation to provide the space and participate.
Men’s Breakfast: 2nd Saturday of each month at 8am. Prayer & fellowship.
Share the Warmth / Neighbors of Hope Meals: 4th Thursday of each month, our Church hosts the meal. A sign-up sheet is located on the bulletin board outside of the Sanctuary.
Canned & Boxed Food Collection: Collected each Sunday to take to local food pantries monthly.

Missions We Support Financially:
The Daily Bread, Catherine Cobb Safe House, Neighbors of Hope, Share the Warmth, Boys & Girls Club, Adrian Community Nursery, Salvation Army, Christian Mission, Community Action Agency, Habitat for Humanity Lenawee, Housing Help of Lenawee, Presbyterian Disaster Assistance, Presbyterian Church USA