Worship: Sunday 10am / Office Hours M-F 9am-12n

FPC of Adrian News

The GOOD News!

August Newsletter

First Presbyterian Church of Adrian

The Good News August 2020 Issue 8 Volume 2020

A Note from the Pastor

Dear Family and Friends of Adrian First Presbyterian Church, This year of 2020 continues to challenge, frustrate and stretch us, doesn’t it? It hardly seems possible that the summer is almost over. I know the days are still sunny and warm and longer days and fireflies will be around for a bit yet, but we are beginning to turn our heads towards fall here at the church. And there continue to be questions and unknowns as we move forward. There are questions about school schedules for the fall for parents and children and of course that has a bearing on us here at the church because we match our plans to the public-school schedule. Some families are trying to prepare their teenagers for going off to college but some universities have not yet made firm decisions about their fall plans yet. Lots of things are still up in the air. We have resumed in person worship and it is great to see folks week by week and yet there are many who are not yet comfortable coming to the sanctuary for worship. So we continue to try to post worship on our Facebook page with YouTube and plan in-person worship weekly. Your Worship and Music Committee are hard at work evaluating and tweaking our time in worship. We’re ready to look and plan for the routines and schedules of fall but have to do that tentatively at this point, waiting to see how things unfold in these continuing days with Covid-19. The Session and the Task Force continue to read reports on how re-opening is going in Michigan, trying to make best decisions for this congregation’s health and well-being. Please bear with us as we make plans, adjust plans, and enjoy plans lived out!! Much has changed since February, but there is much we can still celebrate as the people of God! God is for us and not against us. God loves us and wants what is best for us. We might still be wrestling with some anxiety, stress and fear concerning the future because there are so many unknowns. But we know who holds the future and we can trust that God will bring to fruition all the plans that He has made for us. So let us continue to find ways to worship God, to show compassion and care to those around us, to our families, neighbors and church family. And look for the positive, for the good, for the holy that is all around us! Shalom- Ann Marie Montgomery

New Worship Time Worship Service 9:30 am

Nursery service will be unavailable until further notice. The nursery and classroom will be areas that parents may take children to during worship.

Prayer Group Normally The Prayer Group meets at 10:30am Wednesdays in the library. But at this time the prayer group will be meeting downstairs in the Session room. If you have a prayer concern or joy to share let the church office know by contacting us at 265-2168 or email us at adrianfirstpres@tc3net.com. All are welcome and encouraged to participate with emails and phone calls.

Clerk’s Corner By Loretta Cruz 1. A Congregational meeting was held on July 26th, 2020 to elect new officers for the coming term which begins on October 1st, 2020. Class of 2023 Elders: Cindy Frownfelder, Lisa Gillin, Janet Peshke, Class of 2023 Deacons: Diane Edgerton, Doug Nelson, Lois Yerrick, Brad Crosier, Filling 1 year unexpired term as Deacon: Amy Dumars.

Communion will be served on Sunday, August 2nd, 2020. 3. Sunday School and LOGOS will follow the same guidelines as our local school districts as far as when they will begin to meet “in person” again.

There will be no Worship-in-the-Park this year.

We will continue to record and post Sunday Worship services on the church’s webpage https://www.firstpresadrian.org/ and Facebook page. Daily Devotions can be found on: https://www.presbyterianmission.org/devotion/daily and https://odb.org

August minutes for Mission... We are continuing to collect school supplies for back packs that will be given to Catherine Cobb Domestic Violence shelter. Please add to our collection in the red box near the office. Weekly dairy distributions may be continuing through out the season, maybe the year. The boxes include 2 gallons of Milk, 4- 16 oz. flavored milk, 1-16 oz. each cottage cheese, sour cream and French Onion dip and 1 -8 oz. block of cream cheese in a milk crate sized box. Our church gets an email from H.E.H of Blissfield (Hope & Encouragement for Humanity) noting available product for churches and nonprofits to pick up on Fridays. To order dairy boxes contact the church 265- 2168 or Cindy Frownfelder by noon on Thursday. They will be brought to the church parking lot on Friday at 4:45pm for pick up. Some delivery is available. Be thinking of your family and friends who may need a little help. Their Facebook page announces public pick ups on Saturdays which could be available anywhere in the county. So "like" their Facebook page to get the details. The dairy farmers are supported by a Federal grant so milk is not dumped. H.E.H works with another charity to distribute the milk through out southeast Michigan. H.E.H of Blissfield you may remember found PPE in their warehouse and gave it to local hospitals in the beginning of the pandemic. They also have trucked supplies to Hurricane relief and water to Flint. Donations may be made directly to H.E.H, 631 Depot St. Blissfield 49228 to keep their refrigeration trucks running.

We may be participating in Dog Days of Summer for August 7, First Friday- let Becky Largin know if you can help. The Mission Committee is in need of more participants, let Cindy Frownfelder know of your interest so we can expand our interests! By Cindy Frownfelder

Worship and Music Committee has decided to forgo having Worship in the Park this year. It was not an easy decision. We put mindful thought and consideration into it. We decided despite it being outdoors, there were other factors that needed to be weighed. We will be in the sanctuary with Marilyn Smith filling in for Pastor Ann Marie as she will be out of town taking a much deserved break and spending time with family.

Christian Education Updates Christian Education has been communicating mostly via emails these past few months and we wanted to let everyone know there are tentative plans to provide programing this fall, following whatever social distancing guidelines are in place at the time. Currently, there are no Nursery attendants; however the Nursery has been cleaned and ready for Parents to stay with their children if needed during the worship service. The service is piped into this location. Consideration is being given to having an attendant sometime in September. If our youth physically attend school in the fall, it is our plan to resume Sunday school on Sunday, September 13th with kick off activities in fellowship hall at 10:30 a.m. for youth. Adult classes will resume in the library. If youth are physically attending school, we will consider continuing with our fall LOGOS program for our youth 2nd grade and up, Wednesday September 23rd – November 18th from 4 – 6:50 p.m. Bible Study will resume on Monday, September at 10:30 a.m., led by Marilyn Smith. Information will be provided later as to what the focus will be. Spencer Bennett likewise believes we will be able to resume with “Faith and Flicks” in September and details will follow. Currently there has been no discussion of having a Fall speaker, but that could change. Finally, a big thank you to all of you who helped keeping the gardens around the church watered and weeded this summer. We are truly blessed by each other and the love of our Savior. Lois Y.

Why we pay a per capita? Every year our Church pays a Per Capita payment to the General Assembly. This payment helps to cover the costs of operating the governing body of our Church which in turn is divided into Synods and Presbyteries. This is similar to belonging to any other organization like the YMCA, fitness centers or a homeowner's association. A membership fee or dues payment is paid and in return administrative services are provided. Our Per Capita payment (per member) is $35.70, multiplied by the number of members in our church. As long as we remain a Presbyterian church, we will make this payment. Each year we budget some income to pay the per capita, but we only receive enough to cover about 1/3 of the total cost. If more income is received to cover this cost, then our Church will have more money for mission giving. If you are able and would like to pay the Per Capita cost of the Church members in your household, it would be a great help to the Church's budget. Payments may be made anytime during the year; just mark the envelope and mark your check. Any support you can give will be greatly appreciated. By Judy Phipps

I shared a part of this version of “Jesus Loves Me” in the sermon on Sunday, July 26th . I thought you might enjoy the other verses as well! Remember that you are loved and that you are not alone! God is in us and with us whatever life may bring our way. -Ann Marie Montgomery “Jesus Loves Me” for Older Adults! Jesus loves me, this I know, Though my hair is white as snow. Though my sight is growing dim, Still He bids me trust in Him. (CHORUS) Yes, Jesus loves me! Yes, Jesus loves me. Yes, Jesus loves me! The Bible tells me so. Though my steps are oh, so slow, With my hand in His I’ll go On through life, let come what may, He’ll be there to lead the way. (CHORUS) When the nights are dark and long, In my heart He puts a song. Telling me in words so clear, “Have no fear, for I am near.” (CHORUS) When my work on earth is done, And life’s victories have been won. He will take me home above, Then I’ll fully know His love (CHORUS) (Author unknown) JOY What joy it brought me to arrive at church recently to see chalk drawings in our parking lot! This one was my favorite listing the fruits of the Spirit. What a great reminder to me that as we walk through our days, as we walk through the world, we are called to exhibit these gifts of the Spirit in our speech and in our actions! How are the Spirit’s gifts being lived out through you? Ann Marie

Food Handler Classes The Lenawee County Health Department is happy to announce that we have created an online version of our food handler class and test. The class can be found here: https://www.lenawee.mi.us/951/Food-Handler -Classes. The class consists of a video and a 25 question test. The video is about an hour long and the link to the test is located just beneath the video. Once a test has been submitted, our office will reach out for payment and to arrange for the food handler to receive their card. The cost for the class and card is still $5.00 per person and cards will not be issued until the payment has been made. Payment can be made with a credit card over the phone, with a check sent through the mail, or by making an appointment with our office to pay in person. Payments made with a credit card will be subject to a transaction fee. Additionally, facilities can request to be billed for the cost of their employees taking the class. If you would like use this option, we ask that you submit a list of your employees who will be taking or have taken the online class to ehdesk@lenawee.mi.us. Those who pay by phone, mail, or through the billing process will have their cards mailed out. Individuals who make an appointment and pay in person will receive their card during the appointment. We are trying to keep the amount of people visiting our office to a minimum, so if you have several employees that want to pay in person, we ask that they send one person to pay and pick up the cards for everyone from your facility. Once your employees receive their cards, please make sure that they sign them. This will help us figure out who has a valid card during inspections. We understand that it has been several months since our last food handler's class and that there will likely be a large number of tests submitted to our office in the coming weeks. We will contact individuals for payment as quickly as possible and ask that they give us approximately a week before calling to check on the status of their test. Jaime Greenwald, Office Coordinator Environmental Health Division Lenawee County Health Department Phone: 517-264-5213

ADMINISTRATIVE COMMITTEE NOTES As you know, Session has been doing everything it can to make our church offices and Sunday worship safe for everyone. It has strived to make Session committee meetings safe and has followed recommendations from Presbytery while adhering to the Governor’s executive orders. One of the little known and unappreciated, but important functions of financial management at the church is the collection and handling of tithes and offerings from our church members and friends. Each week, two of our members (Malyssa Yerrick and Sally Dickson) count each gift, account for same on church records and deposit funds at our bank. Each function requires the handling of numerous checks, paper currency, pew envelopes, etc. and requires significant time to complete these responsibilities. A recommendation has been made to assist our volunteers by encouraging each of us to have our tithes deducted regularly from our bank, financial institution or brokerage account by using the Automated Clearing House Network (ACH). Quite simply, all you need to do is complete and sign the authorization form (attached) and return it to the church. As the form indicates, deductions are made twice a month by the church, although you have the options to have deductions made 2 times a month; monthly; or quarterly. These deductions can be stopped, increased or reduced at any time by you. The purpose in doing so is to reduce the handling of all the paperwork mentioned above, thus helping to create a safe environment for the volunteers who perform this work each week. In addition, it will help the Session during its budgeting process. Please give consideration to making your tithes and offerings in this fashion. If you may need any help in doing so, please contact Mike Hardie or any member of Session. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH AUTHORIZATION AGREEMENT FOR PREAUTHORIZED PAYMENTS I (we) hereby authorize the First Presbyterian Church of Adrian, hereinafter called Company, to initiate debit entries to my (our) { }Checking { }Savings account (select one) indicated below and the depository name below, hereinafter call Depository, to debit same to such account. Depository Name: ______________________________________________________________ City: _____________________ State: ___________ Zip code: _________________ Transit/ABA/Routing Number: ________________________________________ Account Number: ___________________________________________________ This authority is to remain in full force and effect until Company has received written notification (within time frame) from me (or either of us) of its termination in such time and in such many as afford Company a reasonable opportunity to act on it. Name(s): ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ Signed: _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ Date: _________________________________________________________________________ Debit entries will be made on the 5th and 20th of every month. If you would like to have a deduction once a month, please mark which date you would like to have the deduction made. If you would like your deduction made quarterly, it will be made on the 20th of each 3rd month (March, June, Sept., and Dec.) On payment line, please let us know how much you would like deducted on each debit entry. Also, please mark which option you would like. Deduction Amount: _____________________________________________________________ Options: ___________ 2 times per month (the 5th and 20th) ____________ Monthly, ______ 5th or _______ 20th (Please select one) ____________ Quarterly 20th of each third month Please attach a VOIDED check so we can get the correct Routing and Account number. Your deductions will be treated confidentially, just as your normal pledge.