Shepherding update
Last Fall our Session decided to divide up our membership and attendees into lists of 12-15 individuals. Each Elder, plus our Clerk of Session, agreed to be a “Shepherd” to work on making a ‘connection’ to those on their list. This was no easy task for them. Many work full time and have family responsibilities. In addition to regular Session duties, they were facing the need to transition to a part time Pastor and ultimately secure a new Pastor. Yet they agreed additional efforts were needed to let others know that we care and to give opportunity for them to share thoughts and concerns. Since that time, they have worked quietly trying to contact the congregation. A simple Thank you does NOT come close to how very grateful I am for all their time and effort extended. For some, the Shepherds were able to make contact easily and regularly and there have been many congenial conversations. There have been conversations at church between individuals that had not connected in the past. Some individuals have not only received calls, but cards and visits. Other Shepherds had more difficulty making contact and messages left without response. Some shepherds indicated they had not found the time contact their list and I apologize for that. Yet, I am encouraged, and reminded again about the wonderment of the people of Adrian 1st Presbyterian. I learned there are many “everyday people” in the church who are reaching out to others regularly. We have done a better job supporting/visiting/sending cards/ to those we are made aware are ill, need additional help etc., and other attendees have come forward indicating a willingness to help by visiting others. People tell me they feel those involved with them in our small group type activities help them feel connected – book club, men’s group, Bible study, Faith and Flicks, etc. all help them feel supported and cared about. I love this concept of everyone shepherding everyone!! Jesus loves that!! All of us being servants of our Lord. We will continue to make efforts to reach out to the congregation over the next several months, at least until we have a permanent Pastor. If you have comments, suggestions, frustrations (opportunities to learn), please feel free to contact me or your shepherd, we are learning as we go along and want to keep the lines of communication open. Lois Y.