Worship: Sunday 10am / Office Hours M-F 9am-12n

FPC of Adrian News

The GOOD News!

November Message from Rev. Ann Marie Montgomery

Pastor’s Letter

Dear Friends and Family of First Presbyterian Church,

November has traditionally been the month that we as Americans pause to give thanks. On November 11th, in remembrance of the armistice that ended World War I in 1918, we salute the veterans of all the wars that our country has fought in and we give thanks for the sacrifice they made to protect and defend our nation’s freedoms.

Fall is traditionally stewardship time. Where does stewardship begin? I believe it can only begin with heartfelt gratitude. Give thanks… Sing praise… Declare God’s steadfast love! Gifts and service are offered up to God as expressions of our thanksgiving. At any age, we can learn to give- of our time, of our compassion, of our resources, of our hearts. Thank you to all of you who have made a pledge to the 2021 operating budget as we strive to live as the church in the name of Christ.

On the 4th Thursday of each November we set aside one day to be thankful for the many blessings that we as a people have received. As Christians we are very aware of the abundance of blessings that God in His loving kindness has given to us. This year with the pandemic making everything crazy, families might be looking at doing Thanksgiving differently. But in spite of all that we are missing, all that we feel has gone wrong, there are always things to give thanks for: life, family, friends, health, church, the Bible, salvation, grace, homes where we feel safe, freedom, rest, laughter… the list can go on and on.

Someone shared a “Litany of Thanksgiving” as a devotion at one of their church’s many gatherings. The first paragraph goes like this: “Today I make my Sacrament of Thanksgiving. I begin with the simple things of my days- fresh air to breathe, cool water to drink, the taste of food, the protection of houses and clothes, the comforts of home. For these, I make an act of Thanksgiving this day!”

There is so much for which we give thanks this season and high on my list is gratitude for this church, for its members and ministry.  What would you include in your own Litany of Thanksgiving? May we remember the high cost of freedom as we work for peace. May we be more mindful of God’s blessings that surround us and find time this month to pause and give thanks!      

 Shalom- Ann Marie Montgomery


First Presbyterian Church