Worship: Sunday 10am / Office Hours M-F 9am-12n

FPC of Adrian News

The GOOD News!

Mission/Outreach Committee Thanks the Congregation!

2019 Was a bountiful year! We participated in many volunteer opportunities such as a monthly meal and overnight at Share the Warmth shelter, 2 United Way Health Fairs, 3 days of work projects at "Invisible City" with Tecumseh Presbyterian, reaching out to the community on 4 First Fridays, and 8 evenings of Maumee St Jam. We also collected food monthly for the local pantries and Catherine Cobb Domestic Violence shelter. With Mission designated money we supported Neighbors of Hope, Community Action Agency Walk for Warmth, Share the Warmth, Hospice of Lenawee, Salvation Army and Catherine Cobb. Special offerings and events supported the local Homeless High School Students, Daily Bread and 4 special offerings (One Great Hour offering, Pentecost offering, Peace and Global Witness, and Christmas Joy), and an offering to Maumee Valley Presbytery for their designated mission work. We encourage anyone with a servants heart to join in planning for the committee in 2020, just voice your desire to Richard "Moose" Haney, Bob Ploegstra, Becky Largin or Cindy Frownfelder. We have recently submitted our desire to become a Matthew 25 church jointly with Tecumseh, Blissfield and Palmyra churches in Michigan and Maumee Valley Presbytery and others in Ohio. What does that mean- not really anything differently than what we have done before but maybe more intentionally. Matthew 25:31-46: To care for "the least of these, my brothers and sisters" by serving people who are hungry, oppressed, imprisoned or poor. God's peace and blessings for your Holidays and New Year!

First Presbyterian Church