The next joint Faith & Flicks will meet on Tuesday, March 15th at 7:00 p.m. in room 5 at
Adrian First United Methodist Church, 1245 W. Maple St., Adrian.
Spencer discovered that “The Kindness of Strangers” can currently be viewed free on Netflix, so he would like to try once again for us to view and discuss this film.
This is a film about a mother and her two sons escaping an abusive relationship with the husband and father and going to New York City with few resources. Their lives intersect with three other people who show them compassion. The film says much about both the capacity and inability of social institutions to help people and gives real insight into agencies that few of us use. But basically, it is about complete strangers becoming a family in difficult times.
Please consider joining us for what has been a both an informative and fun gathering.